The Sad Final Fate Of Justice Scalia's Vacant Seat

This is what happens when you have horny kids and a recalcitrant Congress...

(Photograph by Franz Jantzen/Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States via Getty Images)

(Photograph by Franz Jantzen/Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States via Getty Images)

Now that it’s been vacant for so long, Scalia’s Supreme Court seat is pretty much just a place where teens come to f**k. We’re even getting kids from Bethesda borrowing their parents’ cars and driving to Scalia’s old seat just to take a turn having sex with each other in it.

–Fictional concerned citizen Kate Pennington in the hilarious Clickhole story Antonin Scalia’s Vacant Supreme Court Seat Has Become A Hookup Spot For Local Teens. The piece includes a transcript of oral argument featuring randy teenagers and a brilliant photoshopped picture. This is what happens when you sleep on Merrick Garland.

By the way, if you want to quiz yourself, can you name the recent Supreme Court case that Clickhole used as the basis of that oral argument transcript? Answer is on the next page…
