The Best Way To Scare A Lawyer, Using Only 4 Words

This is getting terrifying! Send us four words to scare a lawyer by SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, at 11:59 PM.

lawyer briefcase shield fear scared frightenedOn Halloween, we wondered what our readers thought would scare a lawyer the most. As first seen on Facebook’s Shit Women With Law Degrees Say, there are some phrases that will make lawyers look like they’ve seen a ghost.

But which phrases are the scariest of all? As luck would have it, we’ve got a contest for that.

These are some of the very best submissions we’ve received thus far:

  • “I need it Monday.”
  • “We destroyed those documents.”
  • “Was this AI generated?”
  • “You missed the hearing.”
  • “Order to Show Cause”
  • “Your fees are rejected.”
  • “We’ll waive due diligence.”
  • “You failed the bar.”
  • “But Google said that…”
  • “President Trump retained you.”

Think you can do better?

You can text us (646-820-8477), email us (subject line: “4 Words to Scare a Lawyer”), or tweet us with four words that will really scare a lawyer by SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, at 11:59 PM, then we’ll vote on the scariest phrase of all. Thanks!


Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on X/Twitter and Threads or connect with her on LinkedIn.
