Small Law Firms
Bar Exams
Recent Bar Exam Results: Open ThreadIllinois, Indiana, Florida -- any others?
As we recently discussed, we’re starting to enter the heart of darkness bar exam results season. Passing or failing the bar can mean the difference between having or not having a job — especially if you’re working for a small firm, which might be less forgiving of failure than a Biglaw behemoth (at least according […] -
Biglaw, Blogging, Facebook, Small Law Firms, Social Networking Websites, Technology, Twittering
ABA Survey: Lawyers Profiting From Web 2.0
Almost two years ago, I joined Twitter to help find a publisher for a book I was writing. A couple weeks later, a friend I followed on Twitter asked, “Does anybody know a contracts lawyer?” I responded and won a new client. A lawyer winning business on Twitter was somewhat unusual at that time, but […] -
Bar Exams, Biglaw, Small Law Firms
Small Law Firm Bar Exam Thread: Is Your Job at Stake?
‘Tis the season to be frantic, especially if you’re an incoming associate at a small law firm. Last November, Elie posed this question to the Biglaw readership: “Bar results are out. Does everyone still have a job?” I’m really curious to hear how smaller firms are handling this. Generally speaking, you’re closer to the action […]
Canada, Crime, Prostitution, Quote of the Day, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
Quote of the Day: Sounds Just Like Being a Small Firm / Solo Practitioner, Eh?
I like the work, I like the people, I like the clients, I set my own hours, I set my own price structure, I call the shots with what I will and will not do. — Valerie Scott, one of the three sex workers who successfully challenged restrictions on prostitution in Canada’s Criminal Code (via […] -
Biglaw, Blogging, Job Searches, Media and Journalism, Midsize Firms / Regional Firms, Small Law Firms
Seven Types of People Who Are Interested in Small Law Firms
I wrote last week about the perceived level of interest from attorneys at small law firms in finding a collective voice. As I’m currently camping somewhere in the remote, internet-less regions of our northern neighbor, I haven’t the chance to check in with your comments and emails, but promise to do so upon my return […] -
Blogging, Politics, Small Law Firms
Do Small-Firm Attorneys Care Enough About Their Own Agenda?
Some of you will recall that in my manifesto, I expressed the view that we need more clearinghouses for information on small law firms. Well, it turns out I’m not the only one hoping for a gathering of small law practitioners. Over at MyShingle, Carolyn Elefant posted a great piece about the need for a […] -
Lawyer of the Day, Real Estate, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
Lawyer of the Day: Squattenfreude
Back in 1961, a photographer snapped a picture of President Kennedy that would later be titled “the loneliest job in the world.” It was full of symbolism and it was black-and-white and Kennedy would be assassinated two short years later and Jesus, does anyone really care about all of this? Probably not. Sorry. Anyway, earlier […] -
Boutique Law Firms, Craigslist, Drinking, Job Searches, Small Law Firms
Firm Seeks Experts in Alcoholic Beverages
Usually when we report on jobs that have been posted on Craigslist, we’re talking about some kind of horrifying example of how the open market values attorneys at about the same level it values responsible high school girls. But today we have a legal job that most lawyers couldn’t have performed in high school. At […] -
Biglaw, Fabulosity, Perks / Fringe Benefits, Shopping For Others, Small Law Firms, Technology
Law Firm Perk Watch: Who Wants a Free iPad?
The recession is officially over, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. But don’t just take NBER’s word for it; there are other signs, too. Like the return of law firm perks. Sources report that Edelson McGuire — a Chicago-based boutique with some high-profile clients, like Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich — is giving away […] -
Billable Hours, Money, Small Law Firms
Great Expectations (Part 2): The Billable Hour, Bane of Your Existence
After a bit of explanation last week, we’re back to live action. As you’ve likely concluded from the title, this is the second installment in a series. Last week we discussed hours spent in the office, with the lesson for future small law practitioners being this (based on your comments and emails): small law practice […] -
Boutique Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
What We Talk About When We Talk About Small Law Firms
Last week, I made the decision to jump right into the substantive portion of this column. Based on the queries and comments hitting my inbox, though, I thought I would take another shot at explaning my intentions behind this column, before returning to your regularly scheduled programming. The following email came in earlier this week […] -
Biglaw, Midsize Firms / Regional Firms, Rankings, Small Law Firms, U.S. News, U.S. News Law Firm Rankings
U.S. News Launches First Official Law Firm Rankings
We told you this day would come. Way back in July 2009, we reported that the rankings behemoth, U.S. News & World Report, would soon be ranking law firms. In February 2010, we reported that the American Bar Association — so toothless in the face of U.S. News’s law school rankings — was worried about […] -
Biglaw, Billable Hours, Boutique Law Firms, Small Law Firms
Great Expectations? Small Firm Practice v. Biglaw Practice (Part 1)
I graduated law school in 2006 at the same time as a close friend. We’ll call him Brian, since that’s his name. Brian went to a top five law school; I went to a… well, not a T-5. He took a Biglaw job in Manhattan; I moved home to Georgia, where I ended up in […]
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes.
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition.
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Look forward to client outreach with InterAction+™.
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success.
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution.
Biglaw, Job Searches, Midsize Firms / Regional Firms, Money, Small Law Firms
Money v. Job Satisfaction: How Much Do You Need?
Last week I had dinner with a friend who used to work at a large law firm and now has a non-legal career. I asked her what, if anything, she missed about life in Biglaw. “Just one thing: the paycheck,” she said. “I miss being able to go crazy in the shoe department of Bloomingdale’s.” […] -
Boutique Law Firms, Small Law Firms
Priorities Are a Big Deal When Moving to a Small Firm
Welcome back to Above the Law’s coverage of small law firm practice. I was pleased with the comments and emails I received in response to Tuesday’s opening volley. After debating on the subject matter for today’s post, I decided that since Small Law attorneys are quite comfortable, often by necessity, with diving right into the […] -
Admin, Announcements, Boutique Law Firms, Small Law Firms
Small Law Comes to Above the Law
Don’t panic, you’re in the right place. This is a Small Law column on ATL — a non-sequitur to top all non-sequiturs. This isn’t the first time Above the Law has delved into the world of small law firms, but now we’re going to attack it regularly and with passion. This column will appear on […] -
Cheapness, Job Searches, Summer Associates
Firms Now Looking for Unpaid Summer Associates
It sounds like something firms would try to keep on the down low, through anonymous postings on Craigslist. But in the new economy, it’s apparently no big deal for law firms to ask career services offices to send over students who are so desperate they’re willing to work for free. The ABA Journal reports: Law […] -
Biglaw, Billable Hours, Boutique Law Firms, BuckleySandler, Partner Issues, Partner Profits, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
A Hot New Trend: Leaving Biglaw to Start Your Own Firm
People are talking about an interesting Slate article entitled “Leaving Big Law Behind: The many frustrations that cause well-paid lawyers to hang out their own shingles.” It’s currently the most-read piece on the site. But it’s actually quite similar, even down to some of the sources, to an article that appeared a few days earlier […] -
Biglaw, Job Searches, Law Schools, Midsize Firms / Regional Firms, Small Law Firms, Student Loans
In Defense of Going to Law School
When it comes to law school, “Hope springs eternal.” According to a National Law Journal article entitled Hope Drives Rise in Law School Applications, for this year’s incoming class, law school applications increased by 7% and the number of applicants by 3% — despite tough times in the legal profession and the heavy educational debt […] -
Lawyerly Lairs, Small Law Firms, Weirdness
The Perks of Small Law: Tuesday Masseuse and Tagging Events
While there are a few offbeat Biglaw firms out there (think Venable and rooftop bocce ball), the quirkiest firms tend to be the small ones. Childress Duffy Goldblatt is a litigation shop that does insurance recovery work. Its Chicago office just moved to a new location where it’s rolling out new perks. One quirky perk? […]