Standardized testing
Ask the Experts, Biglaw, Football, Job Searches, Sports
From Across the Desk: Good Enough for the NFL
Bruce MacEwen asks: What is wrong with the current hiring process employed by large law firms? Oh, where to begin.... - Sponsored
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition. -
Education / Schools
Nanny State Ban on Words Is Lazy Educating By New York State
I wonder if "lazy" is one of the words the NYDOE banned. Not because it's controversial, but because it so aptly describes their policies...
Education / Schools, Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day: Happy Thanksgiving, Dad!
Josh is a very smart kid. I really doubt he would be involved in anything like that. He works hard, and he’s earned everything he’s gotten. — David Chefec, a “prominent” lawyer, commenting over a week ago on his son’s alleged involvement in the New York SAT cheating scandal. Chefec’s son, Joshua Chefec, surrendered to […] -
Bar Exams
One Person's Guide to Passing the Bar with Minimal Effort
We are getting very close to bar exam time. Some of you might be thinking that there’s not enough time left. Some of you might be resigned to the fact that you will fail the bar and all your friends will know about it and make jokes about you when you’re not in the room. […] -
Law Schools, LSAT, Money
LSAT: Testing Wealth, Not Logic
In our little world, the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) is a career-defining moment. A few points on the test can mean the difference between going to a law school that can get you a job, or going to a law school where you’ll be locked in gladiatorial combat with every other student in order […]
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