Legal Recruiter
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Lateral Search Dos And Don’ts: Tips From Both Sides Of The Lateral Coin
Lateral Link Director, Nick Pappas, shares invaluable dos and don’ts from his dual experience as a lateral associate and a legal recruiter, offering key insights into making effective career moves. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content, Technology
Legal Career Growth: Why Continuous Engagement With Legal Recruiters Is Key
Discover how engaging with a legal recruiter, even when you're not actively job hunting, can offer unparalleled insights, guidance, and opportunities to advance your legal career. - Sponsored
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Hybrid Work And Generational Divide: Navigating Differences In Modern Law Firm Practices
Amidst the return-to-office momentum, Biglaw firms are navigating divergent preferences among attorneys, giving rise to hybrid work strategies that strive to balance productivity, culture, and the newfound demand for flexibility.
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
The Rising Wave Of Associate Salaries: Analyzing The Impact On The Legal Industry In 2023
Unravel the far-reaching implications of the dramatic increase in first-year associate salaries in the legal industry in 2023, including effects on talent acquisition, financial pressures on smaller firms, and potential impacts on client billing rates. -
Biglaw, Law Schools, Small Law Firms, Sponsored Content
Navigating The Legal Industry: In-Depth Guide For Law Students And Legal Practitioners
Discover essential tips for law students and associates, empowering you to take control of your legal career and maximize your potential in the competitive world of law practice. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Flexible Staffing For Antitrust Boom
As law firms confront an influx of major antitrust matters, some of which will arise on short notice, flexible staffing is playing an important role in serving clients efficiently and effectively. -
Biglaw, Small Law Firms, Sponsored Content
Lateral Attorney Hiring In A Softening Economy: Diverging Trends Across Practice Areas
Certain practices and industry sectors have featured continued demand for mid- through senior-level associates, counsel, and partner-level attorneys. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Lateral Partner Moves To Secondary Markets: An Unprecedented Opportunity
Although secondary market expansion may have been the defining story of 2022, we expect this trend to continue in 2023. The window remains open to partners making a lateral move to a secondary city. - Sponsored
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Minding the Gap, Finding the Bridge, and Taking the Longview
As a former Biglaw attorney, I can tell you, this thought most certainly crossed my mind. But as a legal recruiter, I have a whole new appreciation for what I call “minding the gap.” -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Burned Out In Biglaw? Don’t Jump In-House Without Also Considering Boutiques
Fortunately, Biglaw and in-house are not the only options. Attorneys who are tired of Biglaw life should also consider a different alternative: boutique and midsize law firms. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Want To Hire Your First-Choice Candidate? Don’t Delay!
As the saying goes, 'time kills all deals,' and this rings especially true in the world of legal hiring. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Testing The Market As A Law Firm Partner
Might a new firm offer a better package? -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until January To Start A Lateral Search
So many candidates have the misconception that it’s best to wait until January. Allow me to address some of the main objections I hear to starting a fall lateral search.
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Look forward to client outreach with InterAction+™.
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution.
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes.
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition.
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success.
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Navigating Your Performance Review
Instead of viewing your performance review as something to be endured, take control of the process to the extent possible. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
How To Survive An Economic Downturn
Making the conservative assumption that conditions will get worse before they get better, now is the time to assess your situation and take steps to position yourself to survive a downturn. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
At The Pinnacle Of The Profession: Latinos And Latinas Making Strides In Am Law Firm Leadership
Undoubtedly there is still much room for improvement, but the good news is that we increasingly have reason to celebrate! -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
How To Help Recruiters Alert You To Relevant Opportunities On LinkedIn
If your LinkedIn profile doesn’t clearly communicate your skills and specific experience, recruiters are left to guess. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
How To Get Better At Networking: A Critical And Learnable Skill
Success in business development is a cumulative process, built through years of strategic investment of your time and energy. -
Biglaw, In-House Counsel, Sponsored Content
An In-House Reality Check: The Grass May Not Be Greener
In-house roles can be a good fit for many lawyers, but the way law firm associates idolize in-house counsel positions often indicates an incomplete understanding of the realities of these jobs. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Midwest Markets Update: Smaller Cities Are Holding Their Own
Analysis of lateral hires in 2022 indicates continued strength, not just in the largest cities like New York and Chicago but also in many smaller markets. Taken together, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Detroit offer a useful case study.