Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Relocating As A Biglaw Lateral Associate: An FAQ
There are associates that want to stay in Biglaw, but for personal reasons they need to relocate to another major legal market. Here are answers to an FAQ on making that kind of move. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Leaving Biglaw vs. Changing Your Biglaw
It’s no secret that Biglaw associates are working harder than ever. But before you think of leaving Biglaw altogether, consider whether a change of Biglaw environment makes sense first. - Sponsored
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Look forward to client outreach with InterAction+™. -
Non-Sequiturs: 10.18.16
* Justice Sotomayor with a sharp dissent in a death penalty case. [Empirical SCOTUS]
* The Kardashians are in more legal hot water — this time over the accessibility of their store’s website. [The Fashion Law]
* This is why listening is an essential skill for lawyers. [Katz Justice]
* Is there a moral obligation to vote? [Law and More]
* You may not like Billy Bush, but he’s not responsible for what Trump said. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]
* Law firms advising other law firms. [Big Law Business]
* The application of Federal Sentencing Guidelines in child pornography cases. [Versus Texas]
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