Should You Operate Your Law Firm Like A Tech Company?
Law firm management consultant Erik Mazzone helps us find a better way forward on the Non-Eventcast.
Can you run your law firm like a tech company?
You know, the same way that your law practice management or customer relationship management platforms operate.
Yes, you can, and maybe it’s a better way forward.
That’s why we brought seasoned law firm management consultant Erik Mazzone on the Non-Eventcast podcast — to tell us how.
Erik kicks things of by talking about what it even means for a law firm to be a platform (4:04), before talking about the importance of using the right software in that platform, like a case management program (6:36).
Later, he addressed intake tools (10:34), as well as how to establish a client journey (12:17).
Erik also discussed how law firms as platforms can leverage document assembly (22:21), as well as an integrated epayment systems (27:29).
Finally, Erik underscores that law firms that want to operate as platforms should focus on usability in adoption of technology programs (18:48).
If you want you law firm to be integrated with technology like never before, give this episode a listen, and get connected.
Feel free to also visit the Practice Management section of the Non-Event for more podcasts and commentary, along with your guide to the latest resources. (The Non-Event is supported by vendor sponsorships.)
Jared Correia, a consultant and legal technology expert, is the host of the Non-Eventcast, the featured podcast of the Above the Law Non-Event for Tech-Perplexed Lawyers.