Legal Technology
Embrace The Future: How In-House Legal Professionals Can Thrive By Partnering With AI
For in-house legal professionals, AI isn’t just a buzzword.
Translating Between Contracts And Code: Bridging The Gap Between Legal And Tech
Technology can be a powerful ally for legal professionals.
Language Matters With AI And The Law
Bad phrasing and imprecise word choices can lead to faulty output when it comes to GenAI.
AI May Not Reduce The Number Of Lawyers Anytime Soon
The legal profession is remarkably adaptive to changes.
New Clerkships Database Empowers Law Clerks To Review Their Bosses
Law schools do not adequately inform students about the downsides of clerking; the implications of this small, hierarchical, isolated work environment; and the lack of workplace protections and support for mistreated clerks.
Unearthing The Gold: The Art And Science Of Discovering Use Cases In Legal Tech
It isn’t merely about adopting new tools; it’s about uncovering the precise ways these tools can transform the legal profession for the better.
Coming up with productivity improvements may need to be measured from the perspective of staying competitive in a changing environment or for helping acquire new clients.
Avoid A Reactionary, Band-Aid Approach To AI In Law
Lawyers’ reluctance to embrace AI, coupled with its ever-evolving and unpredictable nature, can leave many vulnerable to a fear-based, reactionary mindset that is untenable in the long term.
Customizing AI To Specific Legal Practice Areas
To develop genuinely equitable AI-driven solutions, the responsible use of AI requires due diligence and commitment to fairness.
Embracing AI In Legal Teams: Lessons From My Kitchen Experiment
Coffee. Is there any problem it can’t solve?
Legal Technology Innovation: Navigating Complex Team Dynamics And Resolving Issues
Navigating and escalating sensitive issues requires emotional intelligence, and resolving issues where there is resistance from team members requires soft skills and a focus on relationships.
The Future Of Law: ILTACON 2023’s Legal Tech Innovations
Ready Or Not, Generative AI Is Here.
‘Legal Tech Lists’: 5 Lawyer Tropes Upended By Legal Tech (Remote Litigation Edition)
We thought this area deserved its own list.
Driven: Using Technology To Build A Solo Personal Injury Practice
With the right amount of pluck, and the right tech, you can crush it.
Live At The Non-Event: Your Practice Management Swag Awaits!
Better efficiency and higher profits? *Free* ATL gear? What’s not to like?