Reputation Management
Legal Technology, Sponsored Content
Fix This Negative Online -- How Law Firms Work With This Online Image Fixer
This company is helping law firms around the world to fix up their image and protect their clients from online attacks. -
Sponsored Content, Technology
Make Client Feedback Your Marketing Engine
BirdEye’s comprehensive online reputation management platform lets law firms tap into the most powerful source of revenue: happy clients. - Sponsored
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success. -
In-House Counsel
How To Build A Reputation Beyond Your Job Title
Becoming well-known for being approachable, helpful, and engaging is as simple as these three easily implemented techniques.
Sponsored Content, Technology
Turn Client Feedback Into Your Next-Generation Marketing Engine
BirdEye’s comprehensive online reputation management platform lets law firms tap into the most powerful source of revenue: happy clients. -
Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
Good Riddance To The Commentariat
Small-firm columnist Gary J. Ross bids adieu to the Above the Law commentariat. -
Biglaw, In-House Counsel
The Injustice Of Trust
Does reputation matter? You bet it does. In-house columnist Mark Herrmann explains why. -
Google / Search Engines, Job Searches, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners, Technology
Back In The Race: Creating a Good Internet Image
If you're searching for a job, you need to clean up your Google footprint. Here's how. -
Biglaw, In-House Counsel, Partner Issues
Quality Versus The Perception Of Quality
Would you rather be a great lawyer or be perceived as being a great lawyer? - Sponsored
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition. -
Small Law Firms, Technology
The Practice: Reputation Management (Two Words, Two Meanings)
Are there two meanings for the term "reputation management"? Small-firm columnist Brian Tannebaum thinks so...
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution.
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success.
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition.