Steve Jobs
How To Run Your Practice Like A Tech CEO
Practical strategies to bring your practice into the modern era.
Bad Ideas, Facebook, Free Speech, Social Networking Websites, Technology
Even in the Internet Age, You Can’t Call Your Boss a ‘Super Mega Puta’
It’s strange how quickly the world changes. Things used to be so simple, but now Steve Jobs has resigned from Apple and we’re having earthquakes in Washington, D.C. Moreover, some fundamental rules of online conduct are beginning to look like artifacts from a bygone era when people were crazy for RAZRs and nu metal. Gone […]
Intellectual Property, Technology, Trademarks
Apple News That Only Kind of Relates to the New iPad
One morning last week, I walked past dozens of loyal Apple customers lined up to buy the new iPad 2. I scoffed as I walked by, my old, beat-up iPod nano playing in my ears. I also had the misfortune of walking past the same store later in the evening. A sign in the doorway […]