Firm Management
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Law Firms Find Balance In Shifting Talent War With Timely Resource Insights
As legal demand and firm capacities fluctuate, firm leaders must find ways to provide clients with swift and responsive legal services and prioritize lawyer work-life balance while maximizing the use of their resources and protecting profits. -
Sidley Creates New Titles For Associates As Part Of Program To Develop Leadership
Being a good senior associate takes more than just years on the job. - Sponsored
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes. -
Small Law Firms, Sponsored Content
Less Time. More Money. Work Like A Boss.
What if you could recover much of your unbilled time? There's a way!
In-House Counsel, Sponsored Content, Succession Planning
How To Prepare Your Law Department For The Future: Evaluate Your Succession Planning Needs
A lack of planning can lead to big problems down the road. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 07.20.16
* The “Federal Criminal Discovery Blue Book” — which is exactly what it sounds like, a trial manual by federal prosecutors for federal prosecutors — is protected from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act as attorney work product. [Wall Street Journal]
* Donald Trump Jr. seems to have “borrowed” lines from his convention speech from his own speech writer. And the defense of Melania Trump’s plagiarism at Monday night’s RNC keeps getting more and more outlandish. Now it involves My Little Pony. [CNN]
* Former Cardinals director of baseball development Christopher Correa is going to jail for hacking into emails of the Houston Astros, and now Major League Baseball is looking into the scandal. [Law360]
* The Department of Justice really, really wants the Supreme Court to rehear the immigration case of U.S. v. Texas, which ended in an unsatisfying tie — preferably once they get, you know, the traditional nine justices. [National Law Journal]
* And you thought your job was stressful — imagine if you were running your global firm’s Turkey office. [American Lawyer]
* Potential merger in the air: CMS Cameron McKenna is eyeing Olswang. [The Lawyer]