Today At LMA: Top Picks For Novices, Veterans, And Data Junkies

Start your day by hearing directly from clients; continue with sessions in client feedback, lateral recruitment, PR, and more.

0071It’s Day Two of the Legal Marketing Association’s annual conference. After a full day yesterday, today brings another day of content that will send legal marketers back to their firms recharged, inspired, and ready to go “all in.”

Here’s a guide to making the most of your last day.

Snacks and Swag: The Marketplace will be open today from 7:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. (Last call for branded merch!) This will also be the gathering spot for today’s meals:

  • Breakfast: 7:15 to 8 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

The Critical Client Perspective: Legal marketers must understand the pressures, problems and protocols of their firms’ clients. We kick off today with a candid discussion with lawyers from Google, Cineplex Entertainment, NuVasive, and Padres; they will discuss innovation within their own legal departments; share how law firms can better support them; and provide insight on the everyday business issues they face.

The In-House Counsel Panel immediately follows the LMA Annual Meeting at 8 a.m. in the Grand Ballroom 5.

Essentials Track Picks: If you are early in your legal marketing career – or if you want to learn a new aspect of the business – consider these sessions today:


Advanced Track Picks: For the veterans among us, today’s courses can help you brainstorm new tactics – then effectively advocate for them:

Best Sessions to Help Grow Your Firm: If you’re eager to help your firm increase its revenue and roster, consider these courses:


Best Session to Help You Leave Your Firm: On the other hand, you’re eager for something new, check out:

Best Sessions If You Love Data: While yesterday helped legal marketers consider AI in the legal marketing context, today brings discussions of data:

Closing Time: The conference will conclude at 1:45 in Grand Ballroom 5, where the Annual Conference Advisory Committee will reflect on key takeaways and provide practical tips for turning your new ideas into action.

Advice for All:

  • Download the app – “LMA Annual Conference 2024” on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. From there, you can organize your agenda, connect with other attendees, and collect contact information.
  • If you feel torn between two sessions, don’t fret: Attendees will receive access to the Recordings Bundle for breakout session recordings.
  • Focus your networking time: During lunch, join a table for a Shared Interest Group (SIG) that matters to you. (You do not need to be a member to join.) On Friday, there will be dedicated tables for the Solo/Small Team SIG, the Marketing Technology SIG, the PR & Communications SIG, and the Client Value SIG.

Katherine (Katie) Hollar Barnard is the managing partner of Firesign | Enlightened Legal Marketing, a communications agency for law firms and legal service providers. She also serves as co-chair of the LMA’s Strategies & Voices editorial committee