ILTA EVOLVE: What's All The Excitement About?
This high-profile annual event will focus on the two hottest current topics in legal tech.
ILTA (International Legal Technology Association) is launching a brand-new conference, ILTA EVOLVE. This high-profile annual event will focus on the two hottest current topics in legal tech.
In 2024, those two topics are security and Generative AI. The event will be held April 29-May 1 at the La Meridian / Sheraton in Charlotte, North Carolina.
As seasoned ILTA volunteers, we are honored to serve as educational co-chairs for EVOLVE. We are excited to invite you to join us for this inaugural conference, set to deliver 24 educational sessions that exemplify ILTA’s standard of excellence!
So, what’s all the excitement about?
First, ILTA EVOLVE is packed with opportunities to collect valuable content, information, and practical approaches for navigating cybersecurity and generative AI.
Attendees can participate in micro-workshops designed to provide hands-on, real-life experience for ways to use AI tools (think prompt engineering and related training), listen to case studies from member law firms on successful AI / Security initiatives, or attend one of our workshops highlighting some of the newest developments in cybersecurity.
EVOLVE also has the distinguished honor of hosting two renowned cybersecurity industry leaders as keynote speakers: Joe Sullivan, Former CSO at Facebook, Uber, and Cloudflare, and Lily Yeoh, Founder and CEO of C1 Risk.
EVOLVE wraps up on Wednesday, May 1, with a stellar panel of Generative AI experts set to take you on a dive deep into the details of Gen AI and exploration of the astonishing trajectories around this technological advancement exhibiting unprecedented adoption rates.
You’ll hear from experts like Zach Abramowitz (Killer Whale Strategies Founder, Legal Startup Investor, and Consultant to the Stars), Cat Casey (Chief Growth Officer at Reveal), and Kristen Sonday (Co-Founder at Paladin).
On a more personal note, the EVOLVE Co-Chairs would like to offer you a few insights into our motivations for designing this premier event for legal and legal-tech professionals.
The legal industry stands at a critical juncture, where the power of AI and the risks of information security converge.
As Educational Co-Chair of the first annual ILTA EVOLVE conference, I’m driven to spark meaningful dialogue and foster collaboration between legal professionals and security experts to harness the potential of AI responsibly, while safeguarding sensitive data and preserving client trust.
We are fortunate to have a content committee that is a powerhouse of diverse expertise, and together with my colleague Ken Jones, our educational sessions will inform and empower participants with the necessary knowledge to chart a secure path for the future of law and Generative AI.
I hope to offer four elements of value to ILTA EVOLVE.
- The first is to stay out of the way of the incredibly talented planning committee, they are deeply qualified, and I know will do a bang-up job.
- The second is to reach out to the broad legal community, to solicit excellent ideas. I am thrilled at some of the new faces who have joined our planning committee and am hoping to identify and attract a diverse set of speakers (meaning speakers not only from law firms but also legal ops) and a wide range of topics to our event.
- The third is a tad personal – I started teaching at Seton Hall University in August 2023, and believe my experiences offering content to students 8 hours a week may provide me with the toolset to help make our sessions a bit more interactive, engaging and hopefully even fun!
- And the fourth, which also relates to my experience at The Hall is to convey that same welcoming spirit and culture of two-way learning to everyone involved in ILTA EVOLVE.
In closing, we’d like to offer a few final thoughts on ILTA EVOLVE.
First, while this article highlights the value of educational content planned for ILTA EVOLVE, it will also feature opportunities to collaborate and network in a smaller, more intimate setting than ILTACON (which is the crème-de-la-crème of course).
Second, we want to thank everyone working with us to plan, execute and deliver excellent content for ILTA EVOLVE, and those who plan to attend. One of the amazing aspects of this conference things about this conference is that, although it is new, it is backed by the decades of experience ILTA has in delivering best-in-class conferences to the legal community.
We’d like to be humble and say we are cautiously optimistic that ILTA EVOLVE will become one of the go-to conferences of the year for legal tech professionals. But, in reality, we are beaming with confidence that we, our planning committee, and the incredible staff at ILTA will collectively produce something truly unique for our colleagues and friends.
We can’t wait to work with everyone and to meet many of you reading this post in person at ILTA EVOLVE!
Kenneth Jones is the Principal Consultant of Xerdict Group LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tanenbaum Keale LLP that offers technology-based services including SaaS litigation and matter management applications to the Firm’s clients.