Obama Makes Historic Nomination To Federal Judiciary, Makes Donald Trump's Head Explode
The Donald can't be excited about this Biglaw partner's nomination.
I commend President Obama for taking this important step in continuing to pick the best and brightest from every community to serve as part of our nation’s judiciary. A judiciary that reflects the rich diversity of our nation helps ensure the fair and just administration of the law, and it is vital for American Muslims to be included. Mr. Qureshi’s profound commitment to the rule of law and justice for people of all backgrounds makes him an exceptional nominee.
— Farhana Khera, executive director of the legal advocacy organization Muslim Advocates, reflecting on Barack Obama’s nomination of a Latham & Watkins partner, Abid Qureshi, to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Qureshi’s nomination is the first for a Muslim American. Despite the time left in Obama’s presidency, the Senate no longer seems to have the political will to move on any judicial nominations. Given the Republican standard bearer’s inflammatory rhetoric surrounding a hypothetical where a case involving Donald Trump or any one of his business ventures was before a Muslim judge, it isn’t much of a stretch to assume Qureshi’s nomination would be off the table should Trump win the presidency.