Anonymous Partner
Anonymous Partner is a partner at a major law firm. You can reach him by email at [email protected].
Posts by Anonymous Partner
Admin, Announcements, Biglaw, Blogging, Partner Issues
Eighty Is Enough: Anonymous Partner's Farewell
What was it like to write a column for Above the Law as an anonymous law firm partner? -
Biglaw, Partner Issues, Partner Profits
A Discussion About Biglaw’s Present: My Turn (Part 2)
Professor Bill Henderson interviews Anonymous Partner. What traits should law firms look for in their leaders? - Sponsored
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Look forward to client outreach with InterAction+™. -
Biglaw, Holidays and Seasons, Job Searches, Law Schools, Partner Issues
A Discussion About Biglaw’s Present: My Turn (Part 1)
Professor Bill Henderson interviews Anonymous Partner. Why did Anonymous Partner decide to go to law school? And what advice would he give his younger self if he could?
Biglaw, Partner Issues, Partner Profits
A Discussion About Biglaw’s Present: An Interview With Indiana Law’s Bill Henderson (Part 2)
What current Biglaw practice does Professor Bill Henderson, an expert on the world of large law firms, find most disturbing? -
Biglaw, Partner Issues, Partner Profits
A Discussion About Biglaw's Present: An Interview With Indiana Law’s Bill Henderson (Part 1)
Is the current Biglaw model unsustainable? Anonymous Partner interviews Professor Bill Henderson, an expert on the world of large law firms. -
Biglaw, Billable Hours, Money, Partner Issues, Partner Profits, Technology
Creative Billing: Biglaw’s Perennial Profit Engine
Anonymous Partner wonders: Is the Biglaw problem of padding bills getting worse, not better? -
Biglaw, Job Searches, Money, Partner Issues, Partner Profits, Romance and Dating
A Biglaw Year-End Checklist
What is on your year-end checklist -- financial, professional, and personal? -
Biglaw, Old People, Partner Issues, Partner Profits
Biglaw’s Sticky (-Handed?) Seniors
What can be done to get senior partners to pass along their clients to younger lawyers? - Sponsored
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success. -
Biglaw, Lateral Moves, Money, Partner Issues, Partner Profits, Summer Associates
5 Questions To Ask Your Managing Partner
The answers given should give partners a good sense of both their relative standing within their firms and the values that drive the business decisions of their leadership. -
Biglaw, In-House Counsel, Partner Issues
Biglaw Business Development (Part 3) -- The Hard Way
Anonymous Partner asks: How can you get other lawyers to send work your way? -
Biglaw, In-House Counsel, Partner Issues
Biglaw Business Development (Part 2) -- The Harder Way
If you want to be your firm's next big rainmaker, why not give some of this advice a try? -
Biglaw, In-House Counsel, Partner Issues
Biglaw Business Development (Part 1) -- The Hardest Way
Have you had any success generating business through a cold call? Here is what Anonymous Partner thinks of the practice. -
Biglaw, Law Firm Mergers, Partner Issues, Sonnenschein
Supersizing Biglaw: Welcome to McDentons
Some thoughts from Anonymous Partner on the Dentons/McKenna Long talks and the rise of the global mega-firm.
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution.
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes.
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition.
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Look forward to client outreach with InterAction+™.
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success.
Biglaw, Partner Issues
Pushing For Partner: Why Firms Should Make More Partners This Year
Anonymous Partner makes the case in favor of welcoming more partners this year. -
Biglaw, Partner Issues
A Quarter At A Time: Some Thoughts On Performance Evaluation
Should law firms follow the lead of their corporate clients and focus more on quarterly performance? -
Biglaw, Contests, Partner Issues
Seeking Your Vote For Biglaw's Future
Do you know of a junior partner who represents the future of Biglaw? Let us know! -
Biglaw, Intellectual Property, Job Searches, Partner Issues, Patents
A Biglaw Innovation, Or Department Of Disappointment?
What do you think about the development of Biglaw positions like "department attorneys"? -
Biglaw, Blackberry-Crackberry, Partner Issues, Technology
Biglaw’s BlackBerry Bye-Bye
Hey, does anyone here remember the BlackBerry? Anonymous Partner takes a trip down memory lane. -
Biglaw, Billable Hours, Partner Issues, Practice Pointers
The Hunger Games: Partners v. Associates
When billable work is scarce, who should get priority, partners or associates? -
Baseball, Biglaw, Billable Hours, Killing Lockstep, Money, Partner Issues, Partner Profits, Sports
Biglaw's Statistical Shortcomings
What are statistics like the billable hour worth, and how can they be improved?