Non-Sequiturs: 08.10.17
* Anthony Scaramucci may be out of the White House, but he isn't off Twitter. [Slate] * A GOP donor has filed a lawsuit over the party's inability to repeal Obamacare. Shocker -- Trump agrees with the suit. [Salon] * Interesting podcast exploring career options in the law. [Legal Executive Institute] * Money is the big downside for lawyers considering a career in politics. [Law and More] * Assessing the threats to constitutional democracy. [Dorf on Law] * More justifications for going to law school. [TaxProf Blog] * The new normal: the horrors never stop. [The Hill] * Which countries have blasphemy laws on the books? [Volokh Conspiracy]
* Anthony Scaramucci may be out of the White House, but he isn’t off Twitter. [Slate]
* A GOP donor has filed a lawsuit over the party’s inability to repeal Obamacare. Shocker — Trump agrees with the suit. [Salon]
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
* Interesting podcast exploring career options in the law. [Legal Executive Institute]
* Money is the big downside for lawyers considering a career in politics. [Law and More]
* Assessing the threats to constitutional democracy. [Dorf on Law]
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
* More justifications for going to law school. [TaxProf Blog]
* The new normal: the horrors never stop. [The Hill]
* Which countries have blasphemy laws on the books? [Volokh Conspiracy]