Navigating Strategic Relocations For Career And Lifestyle Advancement
The decision to make a lateral move, especially one that involves relocating to a different city or state, is not to be taken lightly.
As the cost of living skyrockets in major hubs, the allure of cities like Atlanta and Houston grows stronger, tempting professionals to reconsider what they value most in their lives and careers. The days of practicing with one firm for your entire career are long gone. The intracity lateral movement that replaced it laid the foundation for the accelerating intercity lateral movement we see in the lateral market.
The prospect of relocating one’s professional and personal life to an unfamiliar environment presents significant challenges. Law firms recognize these concerns and consequently evaluate candidates’ connections to the prospective region as an indicator of their long-term commitment. Typically, firms prefer candidates who have prior residency, familial connections, or other significant reasons for moving to a new city. Strong local ties are deemed advantageous, although less substantial connections can be mitigated with appropriate justification, which can be enabled by working with a legal recruitment firm with a strong national platform to facilitate these cross-city moves. Increasingly, it is both common and accepted for legal professionals to seek relocation primarily for the purpose of enhancing their lifestyle.
Firm openings in markets like Atlanta and Texas – where King and Spalding just launched their Dallas office – are attracting associates from other major markets, who seek relief from their comparatively onerous costs of living. New York associates in particular need help justifying the seemingly exponential cost differences relative to most other major cities. For associates not on the partner track, the cost savings alone can be a parachute for that precipitous drop into the unknown “next.” Our Texas office has a wealth of experience assisting these cross-border moves into Texas and would be happy to help you explore your options in the largest state in the contiguous United States.
Back when I started Lateral Link nearly 20 years ago, there was far less standardization in Biglaw rates among cities. Now, Biglaw associates in New York command the same rates as Biglaw associates in Houston. This might seem counterintuitive given the enormous cost of living differences between the cities, but the driver for these salaries is the bill rates that clients are willing to pay for premier legal services. By adjusting for the cost of living between New York and these other markets, we can visualize what your Biglaw salary can buy you.
Traditionally, a junior lawyer in New York City has been afforded the chance to represent some of the most prestigious and significant clients. The potential for achieving partnership offers substantial benefits, yet the demands on one’s lifestyle can be just as intense.
Washington, D.C. presents an attractive option for lawyers seeking growth in primary markets. Its flexible bar admission policies, including waivers for junior associates who meet specific criteria, make D.C. a desirable destination. The city’s legal scene is shaped by its proximity to federal agencies, offering leading roles in regulatory and appellate practices. Furthermore, the government sector provides valuable exit opportunities for those considering a shift from private practice, with dedicated support from industry experts like our Senior Principal and National Head of the Government Transitions Group, Amy Savage, to facilitate these transitions. This scenario underscores the diverse challenges and opportunities across major legal markets, emphasizing the professional development and support available to attorneys.
While Biglaw continues to celebrate new frontiers in base salary and total compensation, the reality is that total compensation, eroded by one full-blown recession and a global pandemic, has never again reached the same levels it did when Simpson Thatcher set the new standard in 2007.
In today’s legal landscape, Biglaw associates are required to be more strategic and inventive than their predecessors, navigating a world where rising costs and stagnating wages pose unprecedented challenges. The financial pressures of living in major urban centers, coupled with a competitive job market, have made resourcefulness a necessity rather than a virtue. Associates are finding themselves in a position where they must carefully weigh the benefits of staying in expensive cities against the opportunities and quality of life that more affordable locales offer. The ability to adapt to these economic pressures by considering lateral moves to markets with a lower cost of living can significantly impact an associate’s personal and professional satisfaction. This shift necessitates a keen understanding of the legal market and a strategic approach to career planning, underscoring the importance of working with a knowledgeable and experienced legal recruitment firm.
As we observe these trends, it’s clear that the legal profession is at a pivotal point. The decision to make a lateral move, especially one that involves relocating to a different city or state, is not to be taken lightly. It requires a deep understanding of one’s career goals, the ability to navigate the complexities of the legal market, and the support of a trusted advisor who can guide you through the process. If you are considering a lateral move to enhance your career, improve your quality of life, or simply explore new opportunities, we invite you to reach out to us. Our team at Lateral Link, with our extensive experience and national platform, is uniquely positioned to facilitate your journey. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you navigate your next career move with confidence and strategic insight.