Reproductive Freedom


  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.28.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.28.16

    * In the case of Merrick Garland, maybe a nice guy could actually finish first. [Washington Post]

    * The cases and issues that may result in a 4-4 tie on the Supreme Court. [Jost on Justice]

    * Was Sandra Day O’Connor’s vote in Casey v. Planned Parenthood the actual death knell for reproductive freedom? [Slate]

    * Chief Justice John Robert plays Carnac the Magnificent, and actually predicted the mess the Supreme Court nomination process has turned into. [Huffington Post]

    * I doubt capitalism can really solve for the prejudice behind the anti-LGBTQ legislation that Georgia’s legislature passed, but it can provide enough pressure for the governor to veto it. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

    * Lessons for lawyers whose careers go off the track from former Lehman CFO Erin Callan. [Law and More]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.23.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.23.16

    * The Supreme Court is behind some of the epic lines voters have experienced during the primaries. [The Nation]

    * Did Justice Kennedy just reveal himself to be hostile to the contraception mandate accommodation in today’s oral arguments in Zubik v. Burwell? [Slate]

    * Senator Pat Toomey may be caving on the Merrick Garland front — the Pennsylvania Republican has agreed to take a meeting with the judge. [Politico]

    * This is the actual problem with the most recent interpretation of Superman. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

    * Making the connection between reproductive freedom and LGBTQ rights. [Huffington Post]

    * Opining on the ultimate fate of Edward Snowden. [Law and More]

    * Charting the spread of marijuana legalization. [Pacific Standard Magazine]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.11.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.11.16

    * To excel as a lawyer you need to compete against yourself while still keeping your eye on the prize. [Katz on Justice]

    * High school debaters around the country are debating U.S. domestic surveillance with more depth and nuance than Congress. Maybe they should set the bar just a little bit higher than that. [The Intercept]

    * You want to organize against Airbnb? Get ready for some strange bedfellows. [Cityland]

    * Judge Posner sees the bullsh*t behind Republicans’ strategy for (not) filling Justice Scalia’s seat. [Washington Post]

    * Maryland Court of Appeals set a potentially dangerous new precedent in the case against the police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray. [Slate]

    * A noteworthy ruling giving the green light to litigation financing. [Burford Capital]

    * The growing movement to amend France’s self-defense laws to include domestic violence. [Jezebel]

    * Even some Republicans are calling Indiana’s new abortion law overreaching, not that the statement stopped the bill from passing the legislature. [Huffington Post]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 02.10.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.10.16

    * Nope, Black History month still isn’t racist. Here’s an explanation one more time for those that need it. [Popehat] * Hey! Now there is science to back up what we all knew: Voter ID laws suppress the vote. [Talking Points Memo] * Not everyone gets access to the same justice: non-prosecution agreements are reserved […]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.05.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.05.16

    * British trainee lawyer arrested for Christmas Eve murder of a young teacher. [Legal Cheek]

    * Judge John Gleeson is stepping down and returning to private practice. [New York Daily News]

    * 31 law professors think this case about the right of publicity and video games should be heard by the Supreme Court. [The Volokh Conspiracy]

    * Are Harvard Law professors unfairly going after a former student and alleged sexual assault survivor? [Huffington Post]

    * Even people in liberal states should care about the erosion of reproductive freedom rights in Red States: NYC, joined by a coalition of other cities, has filed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down Texas’s restrictive abortion law. [Jezebel]

    * Looks like legal work won’t be outsourced to the robots any time soon. [New York Times]

    * If you are on the criminal defense side of things, you’d always better be ready for a battle. [Katz on Justice]