Survivor Alum Makes Legal History
He's been pretty busy since his reality TV debut 23 years ago. -
Rudy Giuliani Is Exactly That Fool Of A Client
Putting a microphone in front of 2024 Rudy? What could possibly go wrong? - Sponsored
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution. -
Trump Admin Will Bring ‘Uncertainty,’ Opportunities For Defense Industry: Analysts
‘The makeup of Congress, and specifically the makeup of the House, I think will actually matter much more to the future of the defense budget than whoever the president is,’ said Todd Harrison of AEI.
Biglaw, Government
Biglaw’s Betting On Trump’s Presidency Being Good For Business
It’ll certainly be good for specific Biglaw practice groups, that is. -
Progressive State Attorney Thumbs Her Nose At Ron DeSantis
Voters disagreed with DeSantis on this one. -
Courts, Government
RNC Face Plants In Suit To Toss Out Georgia Ballots
Is it good when the judge says you failed in your duty of candor? -
When Will Rageful Democrats Embrace Trump's Message Of Peace, Wonders Dumbest Law Professor Alive
Jonathan Turley explains how Democrats are REALLY responsible for heated political rhetoric. - Sponsored
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes. -
Rudy Giuliani Wows Judge In Collections Case By Stripping The Apartment He No Longer Owns
Let's distract ourselves from today's shitshow election with detritus from the last one. -
Kamala Harris Leans Heavily On Biglaw Attorneys To Staff Her Presidential Transition Team
This lawyer knows that she needs attorneys to help her forge ahead should she win the presidential election. -
The Department Of Justice Is Going To Be Real Busy On Election Day
The DOJ's election day schedule is intense. -
Hey, Trump Supporters! Just Who Thinks You're Deplorable?
How does Trump view your intellect as it relates to tomorrow's election? -
GOP Demands Judge Throw Out Legitimate Ballots In Georgia Because Of Poll Workers' Error (There Was No Error)
They lost in state court. But what if you make the same argument in federal court while shouting EQUAL PROTECTION?

Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution.

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Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes.

Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition.
Kamala Harris Keeps Voters Interested With Surprise Cameo Appearance On SNL
End the drama-la and vote for Kamala! -
As Election Day Looms, What Trump And Harris Presidencies Will (And Won’t) Mean For Defense
While analysts told Breaking Defense a Trump administration would likely be a more unpredictable one, they also said that equally, if not more important, will be whichever party controls the houses of Congress where the defense budget is crafted. -
Stat(s) Of The Week: Employment Law And Election Day
Does your state have a law giving workers time off to vote? -
Musk Gets Tossed Back To PA State Court In Lottery Case, Just In Time For Election
Sometimes gambits work. -
Trump Sues CBS For Tortious Editing And Violating His Rights As A Texas Consumer
Good luck getting Melania to move to Dallas. -
New York City Bar Association Combats Misinformation This Election Season
Bar association is helping to keep folks informed this election. -
Yale Law School Grad Warns Of Election Day Trick Donald Trump Is Likely To Pull
Trump has tried this before.