Utah’s Licensed Paralegal Practitioner Program Starts Small
A Utah Supreme Court justice believes the nonlawyer initiative designed to bolster access to justice is poised for growth. -
- Sponsored
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution. -
Paralegals, Technology
Is Understanding Technology A Paralegal's Job Or An Attorney's Job?
Legal technology columnist Jeff Bennion explains why lawyers need to follow technology and what they need to know about it (and what they can afford to delegate).
Crime, Paralegals, Quote of the Day, Small Law Firms
Paralegal Held Hostage At Work Forgives Her Polite Kidnapper
What would you have done if you were in this situation? -
Bad Ideas, Conferences / Symposia, Paralegals, Secretaries / Administrative Assistants
Legal Professionals Strut Their Stuff For Comic Con's Cosplay
Do you think the costumes these legal professionals are wearing represent their roles in a law firm setting? -
We Should All Be Nicer To Our Paralegals
Here's a refresher on how much it sucks to be a paralegal.... -
Intellectual Property, Paralegals, Patents, Trademarks
Paralegals Paid Up To $80K To Play Online, Watch TV
Ain’t life grand as a federal employee? -
Labor / Employment, Money, Paralegals, Quote of the Day
Do Paralegals Deserve Overtime Pay?
A new lawsuit alleges that this firm doesn't pay its paralegals for overtime work. - Sponsored
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes. -
Contract Attorneys, Job Searches, Paralegals
Lawyer Applies For Paralegal Position. What Happens Next Will Surprise You.
If "paralegal" is supposed to mean "half a lawyer," what does it mean to be a JD today? -
American Bar Association / ABA, Biglaw, Crime, Intellectual Property, Law Schools, Morning Docket, Native Americans, Paralegals, Rankings, Sports, Trademarks, Vault rankings
Morning Docket: 06.19.14
* The latest Vault 100 rankings are out, and it’s time to find out which Biglaw firm is the most prestigious in all the land. Is it Wachtell? Is it Cravath? We’ll have the answer for you, and much more analysis, later today. [Vault]
* An former office manager at Vedder Price has been accused in a $7M embezzlement scandal. She allegedly used the money to buy “lavish homes, numerous vacations” — it’s as if she were trying to live like a partner. [ABA Journal]
* Since the Redskins’ trademark was canceled by the Patent and Trademark Office, sports fans are wondering whose offensive team name is next. The Cleveland Indians might get scalped. [WSJ Law Blog]
* According to ALM Legal Intelligence, paralegal pay is on the rise, and it’s almost $80/hr in top roles. Why should new attorneys care about this? Because they’ll probably have to work as paralegals. [ALM]
* Double the deanships, double the fun: Penn State Law’s campuses have been approved by the ABA to become separately accredited locations. We’ll take bets on which one closes first. []
Biglaw, Headhunters / Recruiters, Job Searches, Paralegals, Partner Issues, Secretaries / Administrative Assistants
Anonymous Recruitment Director Answers Your Email Questions (Part 3)
Anonymous Recruitment Director fields questions from paralegals and secretaries and discusses when you should (and shouldn't) use a legal recruiter/headhunter. -
5th Circuit, Fashion, Laurence Tribe, Law Schools, Non-Sequiturs, Paralegals, Pornography, Rankings, SCOTUS, Student Loans, Summer Associates, Supreme Court
Non-Sequiturs: 06.03.14
* Dan Marino was suing the NFL over concussions, becoming the highest profile former player to level a suit against the league. Among his allegations, he claims concussions led him to hold that ball laces in for Ray Finkle. Why do I say "was," you ask? Because he claims he filed suit accidentally. No greater proof of the dangers of concussions necessary. [Awful Announcing] * The Supreme Court used to gather in the basement and watch porn together according to Larry Tribe (affiliate link). Best anecdote is Justice Marshall narrating porn to the nearly blind Justice Harlan. You can spoil the ending for Justice Harlan here. [Washington Post] * It turns out the Brits have their own obsession with law school rankings. Here’s their “league table” for a legal education. [The Guardian] * You know not to wear a bikini to the firm pool party, but what should you wear to the other summer events? [Corporette] * An article ponders when firms are going to figure out that recent law school grads are perfect paralegals. Thanks for that kick in the gut. [New Geography] * Following up on an older story, the Fifth Circuit has withdrawn a ruling made in 2007 upon revelations that one of the judges involved had a financial interest in one of the parties. [Center for Public Integrity] * Do we need more reasons why Bitcoin is stupid? Ah, it’s used in messy divorces to hide assets. Perfect. [Digital Journal] * Debt collectors are increasingly giving up on calling you all the time and just seeking default judgments. [Huffington Post] * From the SUNY Buffalo commencement, Judge Thomas Franczyk and graduate Joey Nicastro took the stage to perform a song for the occasion. Francis Malofiy is already planning to sue them. Video below…. -
Eavesdropping / Wiretapping, Insider Trading, Labor / Employment, Law Professors, Law Schools, Non-Sequiturs, Paralegals, Technology
Non-Sequiturs: 06.02.14
Crim Law exam features Fifty Shades of Grey prequel as fact pattern. [Legal Cheek] * You’d think being in jail would be a pretty good alibi. But that’s not the Chicago Way! [Overlawyered] * How many law professors have wished they could say this before? “Don’t give me any of your s**tty papers and you get an A.” [Critical-Theory via TaxProf Blog] * Lawyer powerlifting to raise money for mentoring programs. Because donating to charity is more fun when it comes with the risk of severe groin injuries. [Chicago Tribune] * U.S. News has a list of ways being a paralegal first can help with law school. It’s dumb. There’s only one reason paralegal experience helps and that’s to meet practicing lawyers and figure out whether or not law school is even worth it. [U.S. News] * In the past, Professor Nancy Leong was accused of narcissism. But she doesn’t seem to be attention-seeking at all based on this publicly posted shot. Maybe she can post that on Ashley Madison and see what happens… [Instagram] * Regulating imports could drastically improve labor conditions around the world (and potentially bring more jobs back home). But that could curtail profits by a smidgeon so let’s table that discussion. [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * A former AUSA on the Phil Mickelson/Carl Icahn insider trading case and wiretaps. [mitchellepner] * John Oliver made a powerful appeal to the Internet to take action in defense of Net Neutrality. If you want to know what you can do (or don’t even understand the issue) and laugh at the same time, the video is embedded below… [Huffington Post]

Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement

Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building

Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification

Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
California, Layoffs, Midsize Firms / Regional Firms, Paralegals, Secretaries / Administrative Assistants, Staff Layoffs
Nationwide Layoff Watch: A Double-Digit Dump
Which firm just conducted a double-digit layoff? -
Continuing Legal Education / CLE, D.C. Circuit, Food, Gay, Gay Marriage, Guns / Firearms, Non-Sequiturs, Paralegals, Religion, Technology
Non-Sequiturs: 03.28.14
* Beef: it’s what’s for dinner (at the D.C. Circuit). [How Appealing] * “The Likelihood A Robot Will Steal Your Job, In One Picture.” Good news for lawyers, not-so-good news for paralegals. [Kotaku] * An interesting perspective from Professor Faisal Kutty: “Why Gay Marriage May Not Be Contrary To Islam.” [Huffington Post] * And from Willkie partner Francis J. Menton: “Argentina Is Joined In The Supreme Court By The Coalition Of Weasels.” (I’m guessing Willkie doesn’t represent many foreign sovereigns in fights against their creditors; that seems to be Cleary Gottlieb’s niche.) [Manhattan Contrarian via Instapundit] * A CLE event that offers a lot of bang for the buck. [National Firearms Law Seminar] * If you’ll be in Philadelphia tomorrow night, watch a bunch of Penn Law students beat up some punks from Wharton — for a good cause! [Wharton vs. Law: Fight Night; promotional video after the jump] -
Crime, Department of Justice, DUI / DWI, Health Care / Medicine, Law Professors, Legal Research, Non-Sequiturs, Paralegals, Rape, Westlaw
Non-Sequiturs: 02.17.14
* Were you using Westlaw last week and saw this image? Here’s why… [Westlaw] * A federal judge is charged with DUI. And there’s video of the arrest! [American Press] * A heartwrenching poem from a law professor about discrimination. Wait, it’s not about race or gender discrimination but about not getting tenure as a legal writing professor. Yeah, that makes sense. [TaxProf Blog] * Criminal defense lawyers are part-counselor, listening to the woes of their clients. Should basic instruction in therapy be part of professional training? [Katz Justice] * The collapse of legal industry could be happening again, this time to the medical profession. [The Atlantic] * Jeez, I had no idea that the paralegal industry is enjoying such a surge in hiring. I guess it makes sense… you get all the drudgery work of a young lawyer at half the cost. [George Washington University] * A new DOJ report confirms what we all expected: Montana law enforcement officials are kind of terrible at prosecuting sexual assault cases. [Jezebel] -
Deaths, Drinking, Murder, Paralegals, Small Law Firms
Paralegal's Death In Boss/Boyfriend's Bathtub Declared Accidental
So what DID cause the death of this pulchritudinous paralegal? -
California, Legal Ethics, Media and Journalism, Paralegals
Stephen Glass Isn't A Lawyer Just Because Of The Whole 'Serial Lying' Thing
California refused to admit Stephen Glass. Were they right? -
Attorney Misconduct, Crime, Drinking, Paralegals, Quote of the Day, Real Estate, Sex, Sex Scandals
Lawyer Makes Millions After Sleeping With His Paralegal. What Happened Next Is... Totally Believable.
This guy's practice consisted of doing WHAT?! -
Biglaw, Holidays and Seasons, Midsize Firms / Regional Firms, Money, Paralegals, Reader Polls, Secretaries / Administrative Assistants, Shopping, Shopping For Others, Small Law Firms
Holiday Gifts for Your Secretary / Administrative Staff: Open Thread
How much should you give to your secretary or assistant this year? Let's turn to the wisdom of crowds.