Maureen Mahoney
Biglaw, Books, Constitutional Law, Health Care / Medicine, Maureen Mahoney, Partner Issues, Paul Clement, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Ted Olson
The Supreme Court 'Beauty Contest': A Behind-the-Scenes Look
How did the Obamacare litigants select their Supreme Court lawyers? Josh Blackman, author of Unprecedented: The Constitutional Challenge to Obamacare, reveals all. -
Brett Kavanaugh, Federal Judges, Janice Rogers Brown, John Paul Stevens, Maureen Mahoney, Peter Keisler, SCOTUS, SCOTUS Potential, Supreme Court
The Boy Who Cried Wolf Justice Stevens Is Retiring
Rumors that Justice John Paul Stevens is about to step down from the Supreme Court are a recurring feature of the legal gossip landscape. As we previously observed, JPS retirement rumors “return each spring, with the birds and the flowers.” But hey, we’re good sports, so we’ll blog about them. ‘Cause one of these days, […]
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