Gender, Women's Issues
Increase Diversity In The Legal Profession By Ending All-Male Panels
The commitment is simple: Don't speak on any panels that do not include women. -
Gender, Law Professors
Law Professor Files Complaint Over Women-Only Screenings Of 'Wonder Woman'
There's apparently no justice for male fans of this Justice League member. - Sponsored
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution. -
Gender, Justice, Labor / Employment, On The Job, Women's Issues
Court-Sanctioned, Gender-Based Pay Discrepency? Say It Isn't So!
Employment lawyers fear gender-related wage claims because these complaints are so often valid.
Gender, Justice
Pregnant Women Are More Like People, Less Like Incubators With Mouthparts
But are we sure that parents are people? -
Gender, Justice, Labor / Employment, On The Job, Women's Issues
You Can Pay Women Less Than Men For The Same Job, As Long As She Was Making Less In Her Old Job
The glass ceiling is protected by circular logic. -
Gender, Justice, Politics, Women's Issues
So... Are We Going To Talk About Those Women Who Accused Trump, Ever Again?
Trump has been accused of making unwanted advances by 13 women, and nobody wants to follow up on that? -
Gender, Women's Issues
Tracking 10 Years Of Women's Progress In The Legal Profession
The legal profession has changed dramatically since 2006, but the group that it's changed the most dramatically for has been women. -
Gender, Women's Issues
15 Important Tips For Men On How To Succeed As Lawyers
If you follow this advice, you'll find great success in your career as a lawyer, despite your gender. - Sponsored
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes. -
Gender, SCOTUS, Supreme Court
Gender Dynamics At SCOTUS? Female Justices Interrupted More Often Than Male Justices
This is a troubling trend, and we hope that it stops. -
Biglaw, Gender, Pregnancy / Paternity, Small Law Firms
The Pink Ghetto: Paternity Leave Horror Stories From Dads Working In Law Firms
Male lawyers face rampant discrimination when it comes to law firm paternity leave policies. -
Gender, Rankings, Women's Issues
The ATL Law Firm Gender Diversity Index (2016)
The ATL Law Firm Gender Diversity Index is the most comprehensive and accurate database of its kind available anywhere. -
Gender, Patents, Sponsored Content, Technology
Gender And The USPTO
Is it better to be in front of a male or female patent examiner? Are women or men more likely to get their patent applications allowed? -
Gender, Women's Issues
Female Attorneys Continue To Be Held Back By Gender Stereotypes
How can we stop gender bias in the legal profession?
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
English Grammar and Usage, Gender, In-House Counsel
The Road Not Taken: 'Just'ice Denied
All attorneys should proof their communications for language that undermines their credibility. -
Gender, In-House Counsel, Women's Issues
The Road Not Taken: Hush Dear, The Menfolk Are Talking
As a society, we have an obligation to protect our citizens from crime. Does an organization have the same obligation to protect some of its members from impoliteness and obnoxious behavior? -
Bar Exams, Breasts, Gender, Kids, Women's Issues
New Mother Denied The Right To Breastfeed During Bar Exam
Which state bar is forcing nursing mothers into an uncomfortable situation? -
Gender, Law Schools
Law School Women Don't Need 'Lower Pressure' Environments
Stop telling women they thrive when the pressure is off. -
Gender, Lawyer Advertising, Quote of the Day, Sexism, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners, Television, Videos, Women's Issues
Women Lawyers Get Called Out For Their Sexist Advertisements
Stereotype-based advertising is used semi-frequently among women attorneys. Ugh, why? -
Antonin Scalia, Biglaw, FCC, Gender, Law Firm Mergers, Law Schools, LSAT, Money, Morning Docket, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Technology, Texas, Women's Issues
Morning Docket: 11.12.14
* With all this net neutrality talk, one of the biggest fans of the cause is Justice Antonin Scalia. He may not be tech-savvy, but he may yet save the internet. [National Law Journal]
* And the partners rejoiced? Bingham McCutchen approved a Morgan Lewis merger, and now the firm waits for its valiant rescuer to ride in upon its trusty steed. [WSJ Law Blog]
* A new study says the way to close the law school gender gap is to adopt gradeless grading policies similar to those of top law schools. Honors for everyone, yay! [Stanford News]
* LSAT prep company Test Masters Educational Services Inc. — not to be confused with TestMasters — must pay about $927K in legal fees, because as it turns out, some people were confused. [Legal Times]
* A Texas state representative submitted a bill calling for a new law school in the Rio Grande Valley because there aren’t enough lawyers there. Unemployed lawyers, you know what to do. [Action 4 News]
B for Beauty, Gender, Law Schools, Sexism, Women's Issues
A Law School's Beauty Queen Problem
Is this law school more interested in promoting its students' beauty than their brains?