Posts by Techdirt
Mass Puppycide Ends Career Of Tennessee Deputy Who Probably Never Should Have Been A Cop
From the so-anyway-I-started-blasting dept -
Hertz Continues To Be Hertz, Threatens Customer With Arrest For Using Too Many Of His ‘Unlimited’ Miles
From the aggressively-pursuing-worst-customer-service-award dept. - Sponsored
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes. -
You Don’t Believe In Free Markets And Free Speech If You’re Demanding Criminal Charges Against People For Their Free Market, Free Speech Decisions
From the that's-not-how-any-of-this-works dept.
4th Circuit Shoots Down ‘Unite The Right’ Protester’s Attempt To Turn The Consequences Of His Own Actions Into A Constitutional Violation
From the better-be-doing-right-before-you-complain-about-your-rights dept -
Federal Court Tells Lawyer Something He Already Should Know: Facts Aren’t Defamation
From the real-estate-firm-GC-acting-like-it's-his-1st-day-on-the-job dept -
Trump’s Likely FCC Boss, Brendan Carr, Tries To Undermine Popular Infrastructure Bill Broadband Improvements
States are poised to receive $42.5 billion in broadband grants thanks to the 2021 infrastructure bill. While a lot of this money will be going to the usual entrenched monopoly incumbents, a lot of it is also going to a growing list of popular cooperatives, municipalities, and city-owned utilities to expand affordable fiber. This Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program is going […] -
The FBI Has Apparently Spent A Year Trying To Crack NYC Mayor Eric Adams’s Personal Phone
From the MAYOR-BEATS-FEDS dept - Sponsored
Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution. -
LAPD Raids Medical Lab For (Nonexistent) Weed, Get Gun Stuck In An MRI Machine
From the keystone-kops-handling-the-Drug-War dept -
Trump Loses Copyright Suit Over ‘Electric Avenue’ 2020 Campaign Video In Summary Judgement
From the and-then-we'll-take-it-higher dept -
Congress Poised To Bring Back Unfettered Patent Trolling
From the all-trolling-all-the-time-act dept -
Ninth Circuit: No Immunity For Officer Who Shot Peaceful Protester In The Groin
From the thugs-gonna-thug dept -
Second Circuit Says Libraries Disincentivize Authors To Write Books By Lending Them For Free
From the this-can't-be-right dept

Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Thomson Reuters' Claims Explorer: A Powerful Tool For Legal Claim Identification
Claims Explorer equips attorneys with powerful functionality to mitigate the risk of missed claims and enhance their strategic decision-making processes.
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Look forward to client outreach with InterAction+™.

Tackling Deposition Anxiety: How AI Is Changing The Way Lawyers Do Depositions
Depo CoPilot is a cutting-edge technology laser-focused on helping you perform your very best at every deposition.

Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success.

Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution.
Third Circuit’s Section 230 TikTok Ruling Deliberately Ignores Precedent, Defies Logic
From the that's-not-how-any-of-this-works dept. -
Georgia’s Secretary Of State Slapped With Frivolous Lawsuits: The Case For A Federal Anti-SLAPP Law
From the protect-free-speech-for-real dept. -
Court To RFK Jr.: Fact-Checking Doesn’t Violate 1st Amendment Nor Does Section 230 Make Meta A State Actor
From the that's-not-how-any-of-this-works dept. -
Google Loses Big Antitrust Fight, Which Will Mean What, Exactly?
From the yeah,-but-now-what? dept -
Judges Green-Light Trump’s Speech-Chilling SLAPP Suits
From the slappity-slapp-slapp dept. -
Appeals Court Says Cop Whose Cop Dog Bit Another Cop Is Entitled To Qualified Immunity
From the welcome-to-the-resistance,-officer-dogbit dept -
Biglaw, Technology
Elon Loses His Favorite Law Firm In Data Scraping Case Because They Played Both Sides
From the least-shocking-news-of-the-day dept.