Conquering Conferences: Nurturing Long-Term Friendships

It's not about how many cards you collect, it's about finding your tribe in this conference jungle gym.

Business conference access cards on table

Ed. note: This is the final installment in a series providing a comprehensive guide to networking at conferences. Read the previous installment here

In this final chapter of “Conquering Conferences,” we delve into the essence of networking — building friendships.

It’s not just about collecting business cards; it’s about finding your tribe and nurturing relationships that go beyond the conference halls.

Building Friendships (Or How to Be the Cool Kid in Conference Land) 

Let’s face it — knowing someone’s favorite SCOTUS justice is great, but finding out they share your love for karaoke? That’s gold.

Remember, it’s not about how many cards you collect, it’s about finding your tribe in this conference jungle gym.

Sometimes, the most memorable connections come from the most unexpected places.

Early in my career, at the National Conference for the South Asian Bar Association, I saw an opportunity in the unexpected. Among the list of presenters, there was one attorney who stood out because he wasn’t South Asian.

I figured he might not know many people there. So, I reached out with a simple, thoughtful email, inviting him to join a group dinner. It was a shot in the dark, but it paid off.

Not only did he join us, but that single act of inclusivity fostered a relationship that has spanned over two decades. He became a client, a friend, and an advisor.

This experience taught me that networking is more than just exchanging business cards; it’s about being thoughtful, sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone, and seeing every individual as a potential connection.

Networking at conferences shouldn’t feel like a chore.

It’s all about making authentic connections, not just adding names to your contact list. Strive for meaningful interactions where you can effortlessly and comfortably reach out.

True success lies not in the quantity but the quality of connections made. Imagine creating five to10 solid relationships, rather than a sea of forgettable handshakes.

These are the connections that will bring a sense of anticipation and excitement for future encounters, transforming the once-dreaded networking ritual into an opportunity for genuine friendship building.

After the Conference: The Art of Keeping the Dance Alive

Once the conference’s final curtain falls, the real magic of networking begins.

It’s about nurturing those five to 10 meaningful relationships you’ve ignited. A follow-up email that recalls a personal tidbit or a professional insight shared during your chat can work wonders.

Remember, the goal is to transform a brief encounter into a lasting professional friendship.

So, reach out with a personalized touch — a LinkedIn message, a friendly email, or even a quick call can keep the rhythm of your new networking dance going long after the conference lights have dimmed.

As we conclude our series, remember that the true magic of networking lies in the relationships you cultivate after the conference.

Keeping the dance alive through thoughtful follow-ups and genuine connections is the key to transforming brief encounters into lasting professional friendships.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through the world of networking.

May your future conferences be less awkward, more rewarding, and filled with successful connections.

Have any tips on how you’ve successfully nurtured post-conference connections? Let’s hear those, too — the more creative, the merrier!

Final Steps

✔️ Follow up with new connections in a personalized and thoughtful manner. ✔️ Transform brief encounters into lasting professional relationships.

Your Turn!

✔️ Share your own tips and stories on successful post-conference follow-ups.

Sejal PatelSejal Patel is the Founder of Sage Ivy, a New York-based consultancy specializing in empowering attorneys with innovative practice development strategies. With over 20 years of experience, Sejal applies her expertise in assisting clients convert their relationships into revenue by applying individualized strategies to their networks and leveraging their unique styles authentically.