Why Match Milbank When You Could Beat Them? -- See Also
This Firm Has A Tradition Of Paying Above Market: $200k special bonus! Other Firms Pay Out Bigly Too!: Here's to Morgan Lewis! Climate Activists Come For Biglaw: A&O Shearman did a lot of work for fossil fuel companies over the last few years. Judge Dies On Hill That Diversity And Merit Are At Odds With Each Other: Reed O'Conner, everybody. We Do The Enforcing Here!: Gorsuch really doesn't seem to want the Court to be held accountable.

(Image via Getty)
This Firm Has A Tradition Of Paying Above Market: $200k special bonus!
Other Firms Pay Out Bigly Too!: Here’s to Morgan Lewis!
Climate Activists Come For Biglaw: A&O Shearman did a lot of work for fossil fuel companies over the last few years.
Judge Dies On Hill That Diversity And Merit Are At Odds With Each Other: Reed O’Conner, everybody.
We Do The Enforcing Here!: Gorsuch really doesn’t seem to want the Court to be held accountable.